» advertising » prices »
Prices for advertising in
Price Increase
Impressions *
Unique **
Price ***
300x250 px
All pages 12 000 5 000 24 BGN
Half banner *****
300x600 px
All pages 12 000 5 000 30 BGN
Leader board *****
728x90 px
All pages 12 000 5 000 18 BGN
Horizontal Megaboard
960x200 px
All pages 12 000 5 000 38 BGN
Wallpaper All pages 12 000 5 000 48 BGN
Wallpaper with banner 300x250 All pages 12 000 5 000 55 BGN
Footer Banner
1000x90 px
All pages 12 000 5 000 40 BGN
Corner Banner All pages 12 000 5 000 40 BGN
Sticky Scroll Banner All pages 12 000 5 000 40 BGN
Sticky Note Banner All pages 12 000 5 000 40 BGN
Standard PR   1000 BGN
In Article Video All pages
5 000 2 000 48 BGN
In-Article Billboard All pages
12 000 5 000 39 BGN
3D Box All pages
12 000 5 000 42 BGN
3D Cube 300x250 All pages
12 000 5 000 30 BGN
3D Cube 300x600 All pages
12 000 5 000 38 BGN
Film Strip All pages
12 000 5 000 32 BGN
Multi-rotation cuboid All pages
12 000 5 000 35 BGN
Pre-roll up to 6 seconds 25 BGN
up to 30 seconds 30 BGN
over 30 seconds 35 BGN
Geotargeting 20% price increase
Planning on Fr. capping 1 20% price increase
Fixation of time range 20% price increase
TVC included in the banner format 10% price increase
Floating, expandable, scratch banners 20% price increase
Synchronized banners without price increase if they don't include nonstandard elements
Targeted pages (home page or specified inner pages) 50% price increase
* Impressions per day
** Unique users per day
*** All prices are without VAT and per 1000 impressions
Audience segments campaigns - 30% increase in CPM and a minimum budget of BGN 1,200, VAT excluded
***** It doesn't show on the home page.
Bloomberg TV Bulgaria
Authorization letter - download link
Disclaimer - download link
Television advertisement - download link

For any additional information you can contact our sales department.


Sales department

phone: (+359 2) 812 98 65